A new Local Secretary for New Brunswick, Canada

Welcome to Pierre Martin, our new Local Secretary for New Brunswick.  Pierre studied at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Social Sciences, where he graduated in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree. He subsequently earned an MBA at the University of Quebec, Montreal, and took a third cycle program in business administration at the University of Sherbrooke.

Between 2011 and 2014 Pierre was Regional General Manager for the North and Eastern regions of New Brunswick for Brunswick News. He is currently a Trade Commissioner for Atlantic Canada at the Government of Quebec.

Pierre has chaired boards for several regional and national organisations and bodies, including the board of governors of the University of Quebec. He has also served as chief executive officer and a senior executive for several SMEs with international operations.

Pierre was raised a Master Mason in Loge Keith No. 23 in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, in 2019, and is currently serving as an officer of the lodge.

Pierre can be reached at pierremartinmba@gmail.com

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