Local Secretary for Riverside and San Diego Counties in Southern California
We are delighted to welcome Mark Nielsen as our premiere Local Secretary for Riverside and San Diego Counties in Southern California.
Mark served as Primus Master for Novus Veteris Lodge No. 864 and is a Past Master of both Oceanside-San Dieguito Lodge No. 381 and Murrieta Lodge No. 869. Mark also served as Senior Grand Deacon for the Grand Lodge of California in 2020; he is currently its Inspector for the 941st District and Vice Chair of the Lodge Leadership Committee.
Mark is active in many of the Progressive Orders and will shortly serve as First Principal of Jerrold A. Wohlfarth Chapter No. 130 while also serving the Grand Council of R&SM of California as its Grand Standard Bearer. He is also active in other jurisdictions with the USA.
Mark is an active researcher whose primary research interests reside in the genesis of American freemasonry and Anglo-ritual development.
Professionally, Mark has a long-proven track record in the field of Information and Financial Technologies and owns and operates his own wellness company with a focus on personal training, nutrition services, and physical therapy.
Mark can be reached at MNielsen.QCCC@gmail.com