Our New Local Secretary in Rio de Janeiro

Welcome to Rubens Caldeira Monteiro, our new Local Secretary in Rio de Janeiro. Rubens is the Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations of the Grand Lodge of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and a PM of and Secretary Ad Hoc for Quatuor Coronati do Rio de Janeiro Lodge No. 145, GLMERJ. He is also a member of Internet Lodge No. 9659 , UGLE, and is active in many other orders including Royal Arch, (First Principal of Impeesa Chapter No. 6); Mark, (Past Master of Impeesa Mark Lodge No. 20); and Royal Ark Mariner, (Past Commander of Impeesa Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner No. 20), among others.

Rubens can be contacted at aprendiz.pitagorico@yahoo.com.br and by phone (+55 (21) 98183-2626).

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