Our Aims

QC’s purpose has remained broadly the same for over a century: to maintain an interest in Masonic research by presenting and discussing original research papers; publishing papers and comments in AQC; and supporting and encouraging Masonic scholars globally.


The Objects of the Lodge were set out in the first volume of AQC:

  • Provide a centre and bond of union for students of freemasonry and Masonic history
  • Attract freemasons to meetings of QC in order to encourage an appreciation of Masonic research
  • Submit the discoveries or conclusions of researchers to the judgment and criticism of their peers by means of papers read in Lodge
  • Submit these communications and the discussions arising to the general body of the Craft by publishing the Transactions of the Lodge
  • Reprint scarce and valuable works on freemasonry
  • Allow the English-speaking Craft to become acquainted with the progress of Masonic study elsewhere by translations (in whole or part) of non-English language works
  • Tabulate concisely in the Transactions the progress of the Craft throughout the world
  • Acquire permanent premises and form a Masonic library and museum

Each of these aims remain valid except the last. Quatuor Coronati found a permanent home in Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London, and the Library & Museum houses our books and archives and stores certain of our possessions. Others have been gifted or placed on loan to Masonic museums elsewhere. Advances in technology have relieved us of the need for a physical office and permanent staff, and QCCC is administered today by a small number of volunteers.


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The Correspondence Circle exists so that as wide an audience as possible may enjoy and benefit from the research efforts of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier Masonic research Lodge in the world.

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Your support will allow us to extend the research material and research services currently provided. Thank you.