The Master, 2024/25
Trevor McKeown

[In his own words…]
An obscure freemason of no authority, Trevor W. McKeown was born on the north bank of the mighty Fraser River, raised in the rainforests off Haida Gwaii, and educated in an assortment of universities and colleges, without visible effect. His thirty-year career in the publishing and printing field – editing, writing, designing, and publishing most everything from newspapers and magazines to internationally distributed journals – spanned a period marked by the evolution of an industry from cold lead to phototypesetting to desktop publishing and digital media.
Joining his father’s lodge, King George Lodge No. 129, in 1980, and serving as master in 1996, he later served as a grand steward for the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, and as district deputy grand master for Lower Fraser Valley District BCYR. As Grand Historian, an appointment he has held for eighteen of the last nineteen years, he has annually published a monograph on the masonic events in his jurisdiction as well as a review of his ongoing researches. His contribution to his jurisdiction’s sesquicentenary in 2021 was a set of revised and amended editions of the three seminal histories written by Robie L. Reid in 1936, William G. Gamble in 1959, and John T. Marshall in 1970. In 2022, to mark the Vancouver Lodge of Education and Research’s seventy-fifth anniversary, he edited and published an anthology of papers presented in the lodge. He is currently working on an overview of his jurisdiction’s century and a half history, tentatively titled, Chronicles of Change, 1871-2021. As editor of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon’s Masonic Bulletin from 1998 until 2013, creator and administrator of his jurisdiction’s website from 1996 to 2024, curator of the Vancouver Masonic Library and Archives since 1996, and managing editor of his jurisdiction’s Annual Proceedings since 2008, he has had a unique vantage point to observe and remark on all aspects of his mother jurisdiction.