Membership of QCCC
What do I get when I join?
All members, individual and institutional, receive a copy of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, the Transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge. The volume is produced towards the end of each calendar year and usually mailed out in December or January to all members current as of the prior 30th November. AQC provides the full text of all papers delivered during the year and the questions and answers that followed; the volume also contains book reviews, ‘notes and queries’, and shorter articles of Masonic interest. If you are missing a recent edition of AQC, you can purchase a copy here.
Members receive priority booking and discounted entry to conferences and symposia arranged by Quatuor Coronati, and enjoy discounts on non-QC regalia and books from our partner suppliers. They have access to the Research Services offered by the Lodge, including assistance with research queries, a service provided by QC volunteers in conjunction with the staff of the Museum of Freemasonry at Great Queen Street in London. Members can also request copies of past papers from in-copyright volumes of AQC for personal research purposes. We ask for a small donation to cover scanning costs.
Members who provide their email address receive regular reminders of our Lodge meetings and other events, and can download a soft copy of the Summons and copies or summaries of Delivery Papers. Those who are members of a lodge in a constitution recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England are entitled and welcome to attend QC Lodge meetings and warmly encouraged to stay for drinks or dinner, which provides an opportunity to meet the speaker and members in a relaxed setting.
All members of QCCC regardless of rank are encouraged to purchase and wear the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle breast jewel, tie and lapel pin, all of which are approved for use in Lodges.
Email updates are sent to members on a regular, usually bi-monthly, basis.
What does it Cost?
The cost of membership varies in line with the cost of mailing out AQC.
The subscription price has been held down for many years and for the hard-copy version of AQC is currently:
UK: £35
USA & Canada: £40 (US$60 if paying by check)
Europe: £39.50
The countries designated as ‘Europe’ by Royal Mail are listed here.
Latin America, Asia, Australia, NZ and Rest of the World: £44 – £49
Members can add a digital copy of AQC with search functionality for an additional £5 per year and a digital-only subscription is also available for £25.
Members can purchase a combined print & digital package and can upgrade at any time prior to or at renewal. Click here for details.
Members can also switch to digital alone or continue with their existing hard-copy version of AQC.
The former is especially useful in countries where the postal service is not always dependable or where mailing from the UK can stretch to many weeks.
New Subscribers should follow this link.
How do I Join or Renew?
Online: The easiest way to subscribe or renew is online: simply click on the ‘Join or Renew‘ button which will take you to our subscription pages. Or just click the button:
Renewing subscribers should ‘Register‘ to set-up a self-managed account. Once you have completed Registration you will receive an email confirming your subscriber number. Please use that information to log in and renew – we have kept the cost unchanged; please remember to tick the ’email’ option for communications. If you have forgotten your password, please click ‘Find My Account‘.
In addition to Direct Debit payments for our UK members, we have introduced a continuous payment option for credit card payments so that you can be certain of renewing and not missing out on your copy of AQC.
If you have any difficulty in renewing or subscribing, please email us at with a copy to And please let us know if you change your mailing or email address! Your email verifies your annual renewal and allows you to receive our regular updates.
Telephone: You have the option to call our subscription telephone line for your order to be processed manually: + 44 (0)1778 392023. Our lines are open Monday to Friday 8.30am – 6.00pm (UK-time).
Post a Cheque: Individual and institutional subscribers can mail a £Sterling or USD 60 cheque (payable to QCCC Ltd) to QCCC Subscriptions, c/o Warners Group Publications Plc, The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH UK. Please include your full postal and email address.
How can I check my status and that my address and email are correct?
What happens if I don’t receive my copy of AQC?
Your mailing and contact details can be checked and amended online. Just Log In or go to Find My Account. You can also telephone the subscription number above. Alternatively, email us at quoting your QCCC subscription number and we will respond as soon as possible.
No matter when you join in a membership year, you will receive your copy of AQC the following December/January.