Welcome to Joakim Wennberg, our newest Local Secretary in Sweden.

Joakim, a firefighter based at Lerum, outside Gothenburg, lives in Sjömarken and is passionate about historical research. Alongside his work Joakim is studying for a degree to become an archivist and in addition to local lodge membership, is also a member of the Swedish research lodge, Carl Friedrich Eckleff (CFE) and, of course, QCCC.

Joakim can be contacted at joakim.k.wennberg@gmail.com

Many congratulations to Adam Kendall who has been elected and installed as President of the Philalethes Society, which dates from1 October 1928. The Greek word filalêthês was used by writers such as Aristotle and Plutarch and means ‘a lover of truth’. The word came into Masonic circles through Robert Samber (1682–1745), whose pseudonym was Eugenius Philalethes. A Rite of Philaléthes was founded in Paris in 1772 devoted to the study of esotericism. The Philalethes Society took its name from this organisation. Fellowship is limited to 40, like the French Academy, but in emulation of QC & QCCC, the Philalethes Society also has a Correspondence Circle.

Welcome to James Medlock, our new Local Secretary for the Central Texas area.

James is active in the Craft, Chapter, and several of the progressive orders. He has been a mason for over 25 years, has served in various leadership capacities and has a strong affinity for masonic research.

James can be contacted at jamesmedlock0199@gmail.com

Welcome to Joshua Wilberger, a new Local Secretary for the Fredericksburg and Washington DC area.

Joshua is active in the Craft, Royal Arch and the Allied Masonic Degrees and holds a strong in interest in masonic research.

Joshua can be contacted at wilbergerjs@alumni.vcu.edu

Welcome to W Bro John Owen, our new Local Secretary for Gloucestershire.

John lives in Gloucester and is currently Secretary of The Royal Lebanon Lodge No.493. He is also a member of his Mother Lodge, the Royal Lodge of Friendship No.278 in the District of Gibraltar (and a former District Grand Steward), and of the Gloucestershire Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge No.9439.

John can be contacted on 07789 477 436 and at 493sec@gmail.com or john_g_owen@yahoo.co.uk.

Click through to read the Cambridge Conference report.

Welcome to Bro Ben Evans, our newest Local Secretary and our second for Cornwall.  Based in Penzance, Ben has been a mason since 2014 and is currently Junior Warden in Lodge of Three Grand Principles, No.967, Province of Cornwall. He is also a member of Penwith Lodge, No.8538, Hayle, and active in the Royal Arch, Mark and other orders.

Ben is Secretary of the Trelawny Light Blues for New and Young Masons in Cornwall and can be contacted on 07856 562228 and trewlawnysec@pglcornwall.org.uk.

Welcome to Omar Martinez, our new Local Secretary for the Dominican Republic.

Omar is an extremely accomplished Mason. He is a Past Master and holds grand rank in the craft, and is also active in the Scottish Rite.

Omar looks forward to connecting with members in his locale interested in masonic research.

Omar can be contacted at qcccdominicanrepublic@gmail.com.

Welcome to Austin Hall, our new Local Secretary for Kentucky.

Austin holds membership in several craft lodges within the jurisdictions of Kentucky and Pennsylvania, and is also active within a number of the Progressive Orders.

Austin is keen to engage in masonic research and hopes to connect with QCCC members in his locale to share resources.

Austin can be contacted at hall3at@mail.uc.edu

Welcome to Steven Page, our latest Local Secretary. Steven lives in Cardiff and was initiated into the Lodge of Amity No. 5823 in 2010 and is currently on a journey through the progressive offices of the Lodge. He was exalted into Royal Arch, Sure and Steadfast Chapter No. 8991 in 2023, and advanced into Mark Masonry, Langley Mark Lodge No. 28, a few weeks later. An avid researcher, Steven can be contacted on 07545 024541 and at steven.j.page@outlook.com.


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