George Dietrichsbruckner began his Masonic journey in 2017 and currently serves as Secretary of Bavaria Lodge No. 935, the oldest English-speaking Masonic lodge in Munich, Germany. The lodge is a former military lodge (established by Allied forces after WW2), and, unusually for a lodge in Germany, works under the Jurisdiction of the American Canadian Grand Lodge AF&AM within the United Grand Lodges of Germany. George is also a member of The Masonic Society (US).  He can be reached at or


The preliminary program for QC’s upcoming Conference in September 2020 is now available

QC Correspondence Circle
Member Update, 4 August 2019

Dear Member,

At this time of year we should look back and reflect on what has been an exceptional twelve months, and thank you for making it so. Members of QC Lodge have spoken nationally and internationally, not only in the UK and US but also across continental Europe, East Asia, and Australian and New Zealand. It has been a pleasure to meet with and get to know so many members of QCCC.

The feedback from our North American Conference in Alexandria was so positive that a follow-up Conference has now been organised. This will take place at the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in Boston from 18–20 September 2020. The theme is ‘Freemasonry on the Frontier’, and preliminary details and a booking form are available on the QC website. The line-up of speakers is world-class and includes Bob Cooper, Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland; Brent Morris, editor of Heredom; Mike Kearsley, the ANZMRC and Prestonian Lecturer; Ric Berman, Master of QC and Prestonian Lecturer; Walter Hunt, Grand Historian of the GL of Massachusetts; Andreas Onnerfors, the incoming Master of QC and an Associate Professor at the University of Gothenburg, and other leading national and international speakers. The Conference will be enormous fun and all members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The QC website continues to be upgraded and, as most members are now aware, subscription renewal is far easier than before, with a continuous payment option for members who pay by credit card. Simply tick the relevant box when renewing. UK members can also pay via direct debit. Your personal subscription account can be accessed online but if you have any difficulty, please let us know at with a copy to so that we can follow up on your behalf. Virtually all members have now renewed but if you are one of the few yet to do so, please log on before the end of the membership year!

QCCC is an international association and membership is not just a matter of receiving AQC annually. Please take the opportunity to get involved in our activities by submitting papers or book reviews for publication, or by attending our meetings, conferences, and symposia and lectures. And do please act as ambassadors for QCCC by wearing the QC tie, lapel pin and breast jewel, and by acknowledging those who do.

Have a happy summer,

With our warm regards

Ric Berman & James Campbell

Aaron M. Shoemaker is a digital marketing leader working professionally with both digital and print media.  Masonically, he has served and presided over local, state, and national masonic bodies. While Aaron enjoys all areas of Masonic research, his personal focus is the study of Masonic ritual and symbols, and he has presented papers before numerous Masonic bodies around the United States. Several of his papers have been published in national Masonic publications including Amicus, a publication of the Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; Miscellanea, the annual publication of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States of America); and the Journal of The Masonic Society.  Bro. Aaron can be reached at

Our newest Local Secretary in Texas is Gabriel Jagush, who was initiated, passed and raised in 2016. He currently serves as an elected officer of Fort Worth Lodge ?148, AF&AM. Gabriel is a co-host, co-writer, and lead audio engineer for the “Fort Worth 148 Masonic Podcast” and part of the Texas MasoniCon planning team. He serves as a Past High Priest of Texas Chapter ?362, RAM, and as a Past Thrice Illustrious Master of Texas Council ?321, R&SM.

Gabriel is currently an elected officer for Worth Commandery ?19, KT, and an appointed officer of Trinity York Rite College ?154. He is member of multiple degree teams within the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Valley, and is a proud member of his local AMD and Knight Mason councils. Gabriel is passionate about education, ritual, and spiritual development. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University (Petroleum Engineering, BS) and works as a plumbing designer for an architectural design firm in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

Gabriel can be reached on

Originally from Argentina, Eugenio Tschelakow has been living in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, since 1990.  A lawyer by profession, Eugenio currently works in sales and marketing in the petrochemical industry.

Eugenio was initiated in 1997 into Liberdade Lodge No. 48, Grand Lodge of Argentina, and is presently a member of Liberdade Lodge No. 1 under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Bahia. In that capacity he holds the Presidency of the Masonic Studies Center and works with the Grand Secretary of International Relations.  Eugenio is also a member of the Amor e União Chapter No. 71 of the Sacred Royal Arch of Jerusalem, Grande Oriente do Brasil, and holds the 18th Degree in Old and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Supreme Council of Brazil.

An avid researcher, Eugenio has had several essays on freemasonry published by Editora A Trolha, Brazil.

We would like to welcome Eugenio as our QCCC Local Secretary in Salvador, Bahia; he can be contacted at

David L. Peters is a longtime member of his mother lodge, Greenleaf Lodge No. 561 in Pennsylvania. He is a life member of Freedom Military Lodge No. 1775 in Washington, DC, and also a life member of the A. Douglas Smith Lodge of Research No. 1949 in Virginia.  David is a member of most appendant bodies, including the Allied Masonic Degrees, and a member of the Circuit of Military Service Lodges (an association of British military lodges). He may be reached at

We are delighted to report that Rodrigo Otávio dos Anjos and João Domingues de Oliveira Sobrinho have been appointed as Local Secretaries in the State of Minas Gerais and the State of Goiás, respectively.

Rodrigo Otávio dos Anjos is an architect and a Past Master of Novos Confidentes Lodge No. 236 in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. He was initiated in 1998 and after 11 years serving as Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations is currently Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Minas Gerais (Grande Loja Maçônica de Minas Gerais). Rodrigo is a member of other orders including Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; York Rite; and the Order of DeMolay.  He is also a Founding member of the Research Lodge Quatuor Coronati “Pedro Campos de Miranda”, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Rodrigo can be contacted at +55 31 99968-1084 and via email at

João Domingues de Oliveira Sobrinho lives in the city of Goiânia, State of Goiás. He was initiated in the Templários do Oriente Lodge N? 3799, Grand Orient of Brazil – Goiás, based in Goiânia, and remains a member of the lodge today.  João was installed as Master of his lodge in 2012.  He is a member of other orders including Royal Arch; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and the Orders of Templar and Malta Knights of the Grand Priory of Brazil.  He is also a Preceptor in the Loja Emulação de Melhoramento – LEME, a Lodge of Improvement linked to the Templários do Oriente Lodge, and is currently serving as Deputy General Secretary of Masonic Youth Affiliated Organizations of the Grand Orient of Brazil – GOB.

João can be contacted at

Welcome to Ben Bond, our latest Local Secretary. Ben lives on the UK’s south coast between Southampton and Portsmouth, and is headmaster of a secondary school where he also teaches History. Ben was initiated into his father’s lodge, Kenneth Kinnersley, No 9218, Somerset, in 2012, where he was passed and raised by his father, who will be installing him into the Chair next year, twenty years to the day after his own installation. Ben is also a member of Sandhurst Lodge, No 8505, Berkshire, and of Sandhurst Chapter, No 8505. He can be contacted at

Charles M. Buchanan, PM, PGT, PDDGM, Master of the Prince of Wales Lodge, No. 100, Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon, and a Member of Internet Lodge, No 9659 (UGLE), is our newest Local Secretary in Canada.  Charles is based in Burnaby, about 10 km to the west of Vancouver.  He can be reached on

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