V.W. Bro. Pichumani Venkatraman, Deputy District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay, is our latest Local Secretary and is based in Mumbai.  Bro. Venkatraman is a Mason of more than 28 years standing.  He was initiated into Lodge Silvery Dawn, No 7700 (EC) and in UGLE holds the rank of PGSwdB.  Those wishing to make contact should do so at venkat.kanna@gmail.com.

Paulo Manuel Sequeira Rebelo has been a freemason for some thirteen years.  He was initiated in 2006 at Vitória Lodge nº 330 and was subsequently a founder member and past master of Atena Lodge nº 548, both under the Grande Oriente Lusitano.  In 2017 he joined Correia Barreto Lodge nº 89 under the jurisdiction of the Grande Loja Legal de Portugal / Grande Loja Regular de Portugal, where he was elected Orator, and subsequently joined Sampaio Bruno Lodge nº 111, where he is currently Junior Warden.  An active member of the Correspondence Circle, Paulo recently volunteered to serve as the Local Secretary for QCCC for the northern region of Portugal, and we are delighted to welcome him as such.  Paulo can be contacted at pmsrebelo@outlook.com.

Larry L Bowman, Jr., QCCC Local Secretary, New Haven, Connecticut

Larry is a member of Hiram Lodge No. 1 in New Haven, CT and the Senior Warden of The Masonic Lodge of Research of Connecticut. Born and raised in Virginia, Larry moved to Connecticut in 2014 where he is currently finishing his Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University. His professional scholarship uses genetics and molecular tools to understand the effects of climate change on fish and plankton. In his spare time, he enjoys exploring the local, colonial history of Connecticut and its intimate ties to Freemasonry. He can be reached at larry.bowman@yale.edu.

Tommy Phillips IV, Atlanta, Georgia

Tommy is an Atlanta-based music producer and the owner of the independent record label, Crunk Incorporated. Introduced to scouting as a young man, he was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout and is a strong supporter of the Boy Scouts of America.  Brother Tommy is a member of Port Royal Scott Lodge No. 591, PHA. He can be reached at tommyphillipsiv@gmail.com.

Mark Leo, Honolulu, Hawaii

Mark is a Past Master of Honolulu Lodge F&AM, working under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Hawaii, F. & A.M.. He has served as Grand Marshal (2015), and is currently Grand Lodge Inspector appointed 2016. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Mark is a private equity investor by profession.  He can be contacted at markleoqc@gmail.com.

R. Dustin James, Florence, South Carolina

W. Bro. R. Dustin James was initiated, passed, and raised in 2012 in Hampton Lodge No. 204, A.F.M. beholden to the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina.  He served as Master of the same lodge in 2017 and is currently Lodge Treasurer.  He also serves as Master of Ceremonies of Magnolia Lodge No. 53, F.A.A.M. beholden to the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, Free and Accepted Masons.  Magnolia Lodge is an affinity lodge which gathers Kappa Alpha (a collegiate fraternity) freemasons through out the United States.  W. Bro. James is a member of numerous research societies and appendant bodies, having joined the QC Correspondence Circle in 2016.  He can be reached at rdustinjames@gmail.com

Welcome to Aleksandar Jovanovic.  Aleksandar is a member of Resurrectio Lodge # 99, working under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the State of São Paulo. He has been Grand Secretary of Foreign Affairs since 2008, Deputy Grand Master since 2009, and is Second Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Masons of the Order of the Holy  Royal Arch of Jerusalem of the State of São Paulo since 2017.  Aleksandar is also active within the New World Tabernacle # 227, District # 47, Brazil, of the Grand College of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests or Order of Holy Wisdom of of York.  He can be reached at jovanov@usp.br.  Welcome on board!

The TransactionsFreemasons in the Transatlantic World – comprising the papers delivered at QC’s American Conference, is now available for pre-order. Click here.

In addition to a Foreword from Elias Akram and an Introduction from Ric Berman, the published Conference Papers include:

The Conflicted Image of Eighteenth-Century English Freemasonry
Paul Monod

The ‘American Peacemakers’: An Introduction to a French Colonial Masonic Order
Neil Wynes Morse

Lovelace Overton: A Bajan’s Transatlantic Experience of Freemasonry
Susan Snell

Swedish Freemasonry on St Barthélemy around 1800: The Complex History of Transatlantic Fraternalism
Andreas Onnerfors

‘Revival of the Grand Lodge’: Provincial Expansion
Mark C. Wallace

‘An Enlightened Exercise of the Right of Suffrage’: A Prosopographical Study of the 1831 Anti-Masonic Party Delegates
Jeffrey Croteau

Francophone Lodges in Baltimore 1794–1822, Masonic Continuity Overcoming Adversity
Jeffrey R. Kaplan

William ‘Hurricane’ Gilbert and the Wilder Shores of Freemasonry
Marsha Keith Schuchard

The Ends of the Masonic Atlantic: Three Lodges that Connected Masonry from Canada to the Caribbean to Cape Town
Hans Schwartz

The Multifaceted Freemasons of Jamaica: ‘Each One Members of the Other.’
Jackie Ranston

Whence Came Ye? The Irish Influence on American Freemasonry
Andrew Hammer

Masonic Activity in New Jersey (1730–1775)
Erich Huhn

The English Lodge in Florence 1732–1738
Lucio Artini & Roberto Perticucci

The ‘Republican Craft’: Freemasonry and the Politics of Loyalist Saint John
David Bell

Seabury: God’s Call among the Winds of Change
John T. Acaster

Freemasonry & Material Culture: The Case of the English Aprons before 1813
Felipe Corte Real de Camargo

Partnerships & the Business of American Masonic Certificates, 1800–1830
Hilary Anderson Stelling

Brother William Smith: Priest, Educator, & Masonic Leader of Colonial & Revolutionary America
Shawn Eyer

The Role of Men of Colour in the Early Period of Freemasonry
E. Oscar Alleyne

1717 or 1721?
Ric Berman & Susan M. Sommers

Tommy Phillips IV is our newest US Local Secretary. Tommy is based in Atlanta, GA, and is CEO and Founder of Crunk Inc., a record producer and publisher.  He can be reached at tommyphillipsiv@gmail.com and by cell at (1) 404 574 0808. Welcome!

Our newest UK Local Secretary is W. Bro. David Stockdale, who was initiated into freemasonry in 2008. He is a PM of Oriental Lodge 9371 and St Gabriel Lodge 2995 in Northumberland Province, and in 2018 became a Founder Member and Secretary of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland. Professionally, David is the director of a specialist care provider. He is an avid supporter of Masonic Research and can be contacted at dwstockdale@gmail.com.

Ben Freiberg, a member of Internet Lodge, 9659, is our new Local Secretary for East Africa. Based in Ethiopia, Ben can be contacted at qccc.east.africa@gmail.com or via Mobile / WhatsApp on his cellphone: +251-(0)912-627805. He can also be reached at P.O. Box 24551 / 1000 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

A warm welcome to Jorge Henrique Valle dos Santos, our new Local Secretary for the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil.  Jorge lives in Vitória, the state capital, where he is a judge at the Court of Appeal of the State of Espírito Santo (appointed 2015) and a State Court judge (since 1994).

Masonically, Jorge ia Founder member of two lodges, James Anderson # 100 and Martines de Pasqually # 102, and a Past Master of the Lodge Martines de Pasqually #102 (2014), all under the Grand Lodge of State of Espírito Santo. He is also Secretary for Foreign Relations for the Grand Lodge of State of Espírito Santo. In addition to the Craft, Jorge is a senior member of the Scottish Rite and York Rite, and of numerous side orders and degrees.  Jorge can be contacted at jvsantos.gaz@terra.com.br.

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