QC in North America

Brent Morris, the editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, is Honorary President of QC North America. He served as Master of QC Lodge in 2007/08 and has been described as the ‘Dean of American Masonic scholars’.

Marty Cusing of the Grand Lodge of California serves as our Regional Secretary for North America and is supported by Adam Kendall, a member of QC Lodge also based in California. Members and prospective members can reach out to Marty at NorthAmerica@quatuorcoronati.com, or send an email via localsecs@quatuorcoronati.com.

Other members of QC Lodge in North America include Arturo de Hoyos, the Grand Archivist and Grand Historian of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC; Mark Tabbert, the Director of the Museum and Library Collections at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, VA; Dr E. Oscar Alleyne, formerly JGW, GL of NY; and Trevor McKeown, Chairman of the Library and Archives Board of Trustees and past Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and the Yukon.

Members of QC are frequent speakers across America. We also hold regular Seminars and Conferences.


QC’s Summer Lecture Series with the GL of California

We work with the Grand Lodge of California to produce live online lectures, Q&As and other events. Presentations have been given by several members of QC (Mike, Brent, Mark and Ric), and QCCC (Hans and Ben), and are available on demand on the GL of California’s Masonic Speakers Series’  Archive Page.

QCCC-specific quality-assured regalia is available in the US, Canada and Latin America via Macoy Publishing and Supply Company – please click here.

A current list of Local Secretaries in North America is available below
Just Click to find your Local Secretary…

USA Local Secs: 12_2023_USA Local Secretaries

Canadian Local Secs: – Canadian Local Secretaries


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The Correspondence Circle exists so that as wide an audience as possible may enjoy and benefit from the research efforts of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier Masonic research Lodge in the world.

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