When and Where to Hear our Speakers

Members of Quatuor Coronati Lodge are available to give lectures nationally and internationally, and can be contacted directly or through QC via queries@quatuorcoronati.com or secretary@quatuorcoronati.com. Arrangements for accommodation and travel expenses etc. should be agreed in advance with the individual speaker. Many have been Prestonian Lecturers and all have a broad range of talks, interests and expertise.

QC Lectures on QCCC’s YouTube Page

Recent & Forthcoming Lectures & Talks:

6 March 2025: Ric Berman, ‘The influence of Ireland and the London Irish’
The Grand Lodge of Ireland, Quarterly Communication, Co. Laois, Ireland

7 March 2025: Ric Berman, ‘The 2024 Prestonian Lecture’ – Q&A
Oracle Lodge #1003, Molesworth Street, Dublin, Ireland

12 March 2025: Clive Moore, ‘The Good, The Bad, &The Ugly’ the lives of three remarkable Freemasons
The Wells Lodge No.5263
Masonic Centre, St John’s Road, Tunbridge Wells , Kent TN4 9UY

15 March 2025: David Harrison, Keynote Speaker
25th Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge, PA

18 March 2025: Clive Moore, ‘The Master Builders’
the influence of medieval stonemasonry on our lodges and rituals
Thamesmead Lodge No.8269
Westwood Masonic Centre, Bellegrove Road, Welling, Kent DA16 3RD

21 March 2025: Rob Hammond, ‘North Wales 1727 – 1851’
Cambria Meridian Lodge of Installed Masters No. 9876

24 March 2025: Clive Moore, Exploring the Royal Arch – The Gordon Bourne Lecture
Middlesex First Principals Chapter No.3420, Cole Court, 150 London Road, Twickenham TD1 1HD

28 & 29 March 2025: Ric Berman, Andreas Onnerfors etc.
‘The Future of Freemasonry’
Masonic Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal

2 April 2025: Clive Moore, ‘Exploring the Royal Arch’, a look at the history and meaning of the Royal Arch
William Russell Chapter No.1314
Oakley House, Bromley Common, Bromley BR2 8HA

15th April 2025: David Harrison, The Lost Rites of Freemasonry
Criterion Chapter No.6220, Hoyle Court, Baildon, West Yorkshire.

16th April 2025: David Harrison, ‘The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion’
St. Helens History Society, Friends Meeting House, St. Helens, Merseyside.

4 May, 2025: Ric Berman, ‘Espionage, Diplomacy & the Lodge’
Masonic Seminar, Florence, Italy

4 May, 2025: Masonic Association for Masonic Research Symposium jointly organised with Sir Robert Moray Lodge (1641)
13:00 – 16:30, Masonic Hall, 19 Hill St, Edinburgh EH2 3JP
Speakers include John Belton, Roger Dachez and Jim Daniel

8 May 2025: Ric Berman, ‘The Prestonian Lecture’
QC Lodge, FMH, Great Queen Street, London – 4.00pm

19 May 2025: Ric Berman, ‘Four Key Dates’
Lodge of Rectitude No.355, The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Pickwick, Wiltshire SN13 0HT

30 May 2025: Ric Berman, ‘The Prestonian Lecture’
Northumbria Masters Lodge, Fern Avenue Masonic Hall, Newcastle NE2 2RA

24 June 2025: David Harrison, ‘The York Grand Lodge’
Cornerstone Lodge No.10051, Castlegate House, York YO1 9RP; email: secretary@10051.org

30 June 2025: Rob Hammond & Susan Snell:
‘Africa in the Library and archives of the United Grand Lodge of England’
SCOLMA Conference: ‘Through the generations: youth, ageing and African Studies collections’,
University of Oxford.

2 July 2025: Ric Berman, ‘The Prestonian Lecture’
Durham Lodge of Installed Masters, Durham

18-19 August: Ric Berman
Masonic Restoration Fund, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Open Lectures on Freemasonry: ‘OpenLFM’ – a series of lectures which aims to increase the visibility and accessibility of Masonic Research. The lectures are open to everyone and can be viewed here.

Grand Lodge of California’s Masonic Speaker Series: view here


London’s Museum of Freemasonry is certainly worth a visit online and offline, including their Online Talks.  Click here to view a short film on the Museum / Freemasons’ Hall.

Our friends at Rocky Mountain Mason in Colorado have regular podcasts on a variety of subjects: click to see what is available.

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The Correspondence Circle exists so that as wide an audience as possible may enjoy and benefit from the research efforts of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier Masonic research Lodge in the world.

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Your support will allow us to extend the research material and research services currently provided. Thank you.